Wednesday, December 14, 2005

When I should be working...

Well, I should be working right now, but I don't really know where to go next. Have you ever had the feeling like there is just so much to do that it is unclear where to start? That is what I am feeling now.

This is a view from where I am at... Light at the end of the tunnel.

When all else fails, I guess it is time to do something totally unrelated to see if I can make heads or tails of where to go next.
On a different note, Bill said something this morning that caught my attention and I am trying to mull it over. He drilled that scripture into Steven and I in highschool that we are to possess our vessels in sanctification and honor. This morning he correctly assessed that we would still remember that and then ventured that we may not really know what it meant. I began wondering if I did know what that meant. One thing I do know is that something will possess your body to fill a natural void there. Our minds are naturally looking for something to fill them. Maybe possessing your vessel in sanctification and honor means choosing to fill your mind and soul with God and things holy. Whatever, at least my brain is working on that question and hopefully God will help it come up with something true and useful soon.
On a totally separate subject, Steve keeps pushing me to make some progress on the WCA community plan and the website. I feel totally over my head here too. Hopefully I will be able to have a sane conversation with Jeremy about it all and come up with a content management system and get started.
Sorry for the randomness of this post... my brain seems to function much better in random mode. Lastly, I thought the Narnia movie was largely worth watching. I was disturbed by the one deviation from the story line. Particularly the bizarre river/iceberg scene. This deviation and its subsequently added scenes were very unrealistic and unbelievable, they not only deviated from the storyline but from the tone of the book itself because they made it out to be a very hopeless and surprising chance that the children survived to meet Aslan instead of close call with a foregone conclusion of the possibility of success. That said, the movie as a whole what very entertaining and I liked it and would recommend it to any Narnia lover. The upshot: it was not perfect, but I wouldn't let that stop you from watching it as it is still a wonderful, entertaining and surprisingly realistic depiction of the book. Hope they put out the rest of them and get a little better at their finished computer generated graphics as some creatures had the appearance of not really be finished/real.
Well, enough thoughts for now. I must go back to work and then to lunch.


Blogger Janelle WInston said...

Yosiah! I found you! Hi, I just thought I would respond to your blog, just because it is fun to get comments. At least I like to get comments. Bill said many things in opening this morning, though I thought he was surprisingly calm considering that he's leaving today. It's somewhat of a relief, which is kind of sad for him, but oh well. Have a wonderful afternoon and I do hope the light get's a lot bigger at the end of your tunnel.

1:05 PM  
Blogger Joanna said...

You will pay for not letting my know you were blogging again!!!! Argh! Ah well. Glad to see you are keeping busy and happy and etc. Love you dear.

5:53 AM  
Blogger God said...

YEAH and not to be a pessimist, but too many times the light at the end of the tunnel turns out to be the train....

12:53 PM  

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