Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Blah, Blah and a Visit

Well... today was interesting. I spent the early morning working on a waiver of liability (which we will mail to our neighbors who drive on our roads and have them sign so that they cannot sue us in the event that they have an accident on our roads) and icing my still-swollen face. Then my guests arrived from Anchorage (at 10:30 [they flew]) and Steve and I took them on a tour. We ended up at the Tab basement in my office amidst the dry good storage where we sat until nearly 2 pm. It was a unique experience where I got to explain bits of life at Whitestone to total strangers based on the noises they could hear seeping through the floor. We finished what they came to show me in about an hour and drug it out for another hour or so and then spent at least a half hour looking at Nan's pictures of Whitestone. On the whole I think they enjoyed themselves and I shocked myself by really not being that embarrassed by how weird and unofficial and unbusinesslike the whole event must have seemed to them.
The school is now in full-swing, last-minute prep for the convention dinner production. I think it really has gone over the top this time! They have rigged the entire sanctuary with professional stage lighting, two backdrops, scrim and curtains and of course microphones. They have three modular and portable stages and four video cameras (I'm running one) and it is really just amazing. The practices are going all day every day and after dinner and it really is intense. We shall see if the final product is worth while, but my personal opinion: nothing is worth this much work if it is only temporary. So there you have it, cat's out of the bag. They perform it Thursday and Friday nights. I'll keep you posted on what this camera man gets from it!
Okay, guess that is it. Except for (I almost forgot) I will tell you the key to life, the thing that, if you do, you will continue to exist and if you don't do, you will expire. This is of paramount importance! Are you ready? Okay: ALWAYS BREATHE! That's it, that is the key. In and out. Well, I'm tired, so goodnight and keep breathing!


Blogger God said...

HAHAHA yeah congratulations on not being embarrassed by some of the sounds comming forth from the floor and the bangings thereof with sticks and staves. INHALE EXHALE holy smokes it worked. May the farce be with you

11:32 PM  
Blogger Joanna said...

Fun times, Josie. I miss you tons. Wish we could sit around and laugh and have coffee like we used to. Stay cool and keep your pecker up. Ha. Who is that person who has commented?

6:02 AM  
Blogger J. H. Austin said...

Those ladies, I imagine, have seen far more villaginous villages! We're practically urban.

5:15 PM  

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