Saying Goodbye to Wisdom
Well, had my wisdom teeth out on Thursday morning. I am still recovering! I can't believe how long it has taken. I have never been down for this long of a count! I hardly know what to do with myself. Think I will go to work tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to chew and eat most normal things by then! When I was 18 they told me I didn't have any wisdom teeth. This summer I suddenly had them and they needed to come out. Anyway, finally went under the drill (so to speak). It was a terrible experience no just because of the pain and agony from recovering but because the dental assistant was new to her job so while they were digging in my mouth for almost 2 hours she was unable to keep up with the suction and I kept gagging on and swallowing blood and gristle and bits of tooth etc! It was sooooo sick! The smell alone was enough to nauseate me, thankfully I didn't throw up! Anyway, they pulled all four, so the good news is that I won't ever have to do that again! What a vulgar experience!

Apart from being very sick and tired of all foods mushy, life is good. We had a nice dinner here last night. I don't know if the food was good because I had mashed potatoes again and then needed to lay down because my face hurt like the dickens. Anyway, it seemed like most people had a pleasant time and the rest were quiet so I think it went well. The guests stayed really late again which is always fun.
Anyway, that is about it. Hoping for world peace, lots of money, success on eBay "the world's online marketplace", and no more pain in my jaw! Talk with you soon.

Me Swollen & Recuperating
Apart from being very sick and tired of all foods mushy, life is good. We had a nice dinner here last night. I don't know if the food was good because I had mashed potatoes again and then needed to lay down because my face hurt like the dickens. Anyway, it seemed like most people had a pleasant time and the rest were quiet so I think it went well. The guests stayed really late again which is always fun.
Anyway, that is about it. Hoping for world peace, lots of money, success on eBay "the world's online marketplace", and no more pain in my jaw! Talk with you soon.
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