Dabbling in Clarity
Boj, you aren't the only one searching for clarity, I just didn't know how blurry my path was until it was clarified with new glasses. Finally had an eye appointment and the doctor confirmed what the DMV had said, that I needed glasses to drive. I got some nice Oakley glasses yesterday and was surprised at how crisp and sharp everything was. Nearsightedness (my malady) is weird because when things are close enough, I can see them perfectly clearly and so I didn't realize how blurry things in the distance were in comparison with what I should be able to see. I feel like a new person when wearing them, although I can only handle them outside (or in bigger places... they are too strong for close projects and give me a headache when I am focusing on things right in front of me). I am having a slight difficulty adjusting to this new found clarity but it is worth it and I am once again legal driving!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post, but the week at SM got really busy at the end. I didn't even have time to check email, never mind blog. Anyway, I am home now, and life can return to normal (what is that, anyway?). Speaking of SM, it is really weird to be up there with only three guys! We all worked the North Pole accounts and even at that, had a fairly easy week. I had a great time with Jason and my Uncle Richard, so that was nice, but with only three guys, you have to do a lot more around the house just to keep up. We each cooked twice and the house upkeep is more demanding, but such is life and at least we won't have to go as often this way.
Let's see, what else is new? Oh, yeah, did well on eBay last week. Found an Armani suit at VVs for $34.99 it was a little short on me and it was olive green which I can't wear but it was otherwise in great condition, so I bought it and sold it last week on eBay for $75.56. I was pleased to more than double my money. The rest of my auctions ended without any bids... hopefully they will do better next time after a few small revisions. We'll see.
My computer has begun acting senile again. It keeps reminding me that euthanasia is the best policy for electronic devices. I would dearly love to replace it, but I keep spending all my money. Gonna have to start saving... it is always expensive to put something of such importance down and replace it with a younger version! My current plan (if I can ever get all my debt paid off) is to allow myself $10 a month for spending and put the rest of my meager allowance (FF) into savings toward some new (and nicer) things.
Can't believe that I have two 80 gig harddrives nearly full! I have a pile of electronic crap! Soon I will have to burn some of this stuff and clear some space. Never thought it would come to this... harsh!
Been thinking lately about one of the two commandments that Christ gave us: "Love your neighbor as yourself." How can I really do that? I mean, I like to think of myself as a fairly considerate and nice person (after you barf, feel free to comment otherwise) but seriously, I think about myself, and do an awful lot for myself, how is it even possible to love and care for all my neighbors that much. It is a very unnatural feeling to love anyone else that much, never mind everyone you are surrounded by. Let's face it, "neighbor" doesn't just mean the people you know and who love you back, it means everyone close to you and could even mean everyone you have met. How is it possible to love people that you don't really know? I have a long way to go here. Just goes to show that I really do need a new nature in order to accomplish what God is requiring of me. Well, that is all for now. Yada, yada... it is all a blur until you can see clearly!

Took this myself, so excuse it, but here they are on me. :)
Sorry it has been so long since my last post, but the week at SM got really busy at the end. I didn't even have time to check email, never mind blog. Anyway, I am home now, and life can return to normal (what is that, anyway?). Speaking of SM, it is really weird to be up there with only three guys! We all worked the North Pole accounts and even at that, had a fairly easy week. I had a great time with Jason and my Uncle Richard, so that was nice, but with only three guys, you have to do a lot more around the house just to keep up. We each cooked twice and the house upkeep is more demanding, but such is life and at least we won't have to go as often this way.
Let's see, what else is new? Oh, yeah, did well on eBay last week. Found an Armani suit at VVs for $34.99 it was a little short on me and it was olive green which I can't wear but it was otherwise in great condition, so I bought it and sold it last week on eBay for $75.56. I was pleased to more than double my money. The rest of my auctions ended without any bids... hopefully they will do better next time after a few small revisions. We'll see.
My computer has begun acting senile again. It keeps reminding me that euthanasia is the best policy for electronic devices. I would dearly love to replace it, but I keep spending all my money. Gonna have to start saving... it is always expensive to put something of such importance down and replace it with a younger version! My current plan (if I can ever get all my debt paid off) is to allow myself $10 a month for spending and put the rest of my meager allowance (FF) into savings toward some new (and nicer) things.
Can't believe that I have two 80 gig harddrives nearly full! I have a pile of electronic crap! Soon I will have to burn some of this stuff and clear some space. Never thought it would come to this... harsh!
Been thinking lately about one of the two commandments that Christ gave us: "Love your neighbor as yourself." How can I really do that? I mean, I like to think of myself as a fairly considerate and nice person (after you barf, feel free to comment otherwise) but seriously, I think about myself, and do an awful lot for myself, how is it even possible to love and care for all my neighbors that much. It is a very unnatural feeling to love anyone else that much, never mind everyone you are surrounded by. Let's face it, "neighbor" doesn't just mean the people you know and who love you back, it means everyone close to you and could even mean everyone you have met. How is it possible to love people that you don't really know? I have a long way to go here. Just goes to show that I really do need a new nature in order to accomplish what God is requiring of me. Well, that is all for now. Yada, yada... it is all a blur until you can see clearly!
Well, the whole love thy neighbor as thyself thing works great untill my neighbor who believes in it gets suicidal.... no seriously i agree wit you on that one, it is so hard to give everyone the same kinda space I give myself, I think part of the problem is with me, I know my intent, with them, I only see their actions, and actions do not always give clear representation of intent... I think I go a long way towards loving my neighbor as myself when i start giving them some space and say "okay, that mighta come accross weird, but what did they really mean by it"...if u c what i mean
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