Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Wacky Science... at work or play?

The guys from EepyBird are back, with 251 bottles of Diet Coke and over 1,500 Mentos mints. In Experiment #137, they did a mint-powered version of the Bellagio fountains. This time, it's one giant Coke & Mentos chain reaction that has to be seen to be believed.

Amazing! These guys have WAY too much time on their hands... or is their "play" also their "work?" That distinction is only confused when one can enjoy their job. I have a number of jobs (the primary one, of course, being school) at this point in my life and none of them are quite so entertaining although they can be equally as sticky and are all at least as time consuming.

Well, really just thought this was an interesting vid and that I would join the masses (something I'm doing more of now a days) and post it on my blog. Another thing that I joined the masses in today was voting. This was my first time doing my civic duty. I was all gung-ho to vote the moment I turned 18 (there were elections the next fall) but didn't realize in time that I had to register to do so. I have since taken care of this formality and was able to cast a ballot in favor of... oh, never mind its not that interesting. I actually felt a little weird voting because, while there are people that I think would do better than others, who is really going to be able to fix all the trouble that humans have gotten themselves into and do we really want people to try? Also, they all want to win so badly that it is said to know that, no matter what you do, you're going to make some people depressed. The usual campaign mudslinging has been interesting and childish and frankly I guess that all any of us can hope for is that the raping of our environment and the ever expanding thoughtlessness for our neighbors won't make the whole of this planet give up on supporting life while we are still trying to live it. I guess it is a bit said that it seems impossible for humans to live anywhere without totally messing it up and taking as much as they can for themselves regardless of how in need others are and yet I, too, enjoy the pleasure of modern existence that is the result of this lifestyle. Anyway, it seems more and more obvious to me that the current human tendencies and foibles won't be able to continue indefinitely and that there is little we can do to mitigate the calamity that we are setting ourselves up for, so I just hope it doesn't come too soon... whatever that means.

Wow... sorry to get sooooo depressing..... just what happens to me when I think about the bogus prattling of politicians about what good they can do... and all we see is bad... oh well.

On the whole I actually had a fine day. I haven't gotten much of my homework done yet and I had to pay about 12 times more than it was worth for a piece of computer hardware this morning... but otherwise life is still good. The vid at the top did cheer me a bit... what a sticky mess! Anyway, must go get some work done... but as Christopher Durang most aptly pointed out, the key to life is to: "always breathe" (of course that assumes that there is still air that won't kill you to breathe but it is a pretty basic key to life). Wow, I can't manage to stay positive at all today... I guess it's time to apply the old adage: "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all" and just stop trying. Goodnight (is it a "good" night?) Whoops, sorry... bye.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my word, Josiah, that video is awesome!!

5:44 AM  
Blogger Janelle WInston said...

Josiah, love the video, but you haven't posted for awhile. Be not overwhelmed. You can do it!

3:30 PM  
Blogger Bosiahj said...

Glad you liked the vid... I thought it was cute!

2:49 PM  

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