Well, it is once again Christmas Day and unlike usual I am actually off today (because it is Sunday). I have been reminded this whole month how foolish this occasion is. I guess some people have a wonderful time with family (which I am all for) and so I am happy for them, but the rest of this holiday hype is for the birds! First off, the commercialization of this brief holiday, is disgusting. I have never celebrated Christmas (my parents are christian and think of this as being a pagan holiday) so I do not miss it, and I am repulsed by the whole affair. To one looking on at this ludicrous event, Christmas is an excuse to spend billions on gifts that no one really wants or are the wrong size or are for recipients who had such high expectations of what Santa might bring that nothing affordable will even be appreciated. It is also a time to lie to children while trying to teach them that a mystical oversized sleigh rider made a secret midnight delivery of presents to the good little children all over the world. It is also a time to overeat and see if we can become more like the giant, jolly, mystical creature: Santa Claus. Lastly, it is a time for inane songs to be sung over and over again until any right-thinking person could just scream about the repetition, never mind the foolish lyrics. Well, I can't say that I have any real convictions against this silly event called a holiday, but I also don't really see any sense in it. Christmas is a time for all the smart people in the world to show how stupid they are and all the less gifted ones to demonstrate their heritage. What if everyone just boycotted this foolish event? What would happen to this world? Who knows? Guess I'll start with my rewrite of one of those foolish songs called a carol (why?):

I shot Santa Claus!
I shot Santa Claus!
Right on Santa Claus Lane!
Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer
Are staring at his brains.
Lights are beaming, children screaming;
All is scarry and bright.
Hang your stockings and say your prayers,
'Cause Santa Claus dies tonight.
I shot Santa Claus!
I shot Santa Claus!
Right on Santa Claus Lane!
He's got what's coming to him
for all his foolish vim.
Hear those church bells jingle jangle,
What a beautiful sight.
Jump out of bed, clear your head,
'Cause Santa Claus dies tonight.
Okay, well I think I have vented enough for this season... I hate this foolish holiday and how long we have to be hyped up over it (it is over a month of solid carols and crap about presents and sales etc!).
Let's see, what else it going on today. I am relisting my eBay auctions... hope they sell this time. I am kinda tired and want to sleep, but I have quite a few other things to do. I need to go make some new shelves for my room. I have been talking about doing that for a while now, but have never managed to get it done. I also should be studying for the SAT. I have been out of school for four and half years now and feel I must study in order not to do very poorly on it... but I hate studying for tests! ARRGH!
I seem to not have much on the brain right now except all the other things I should be doing... guess I should go and work on them. So that is it for now.
No real people were shot in the making of this blog post.
The author does not condone shooting Santa Impersonators or any other murders for that matter.
If you are enjoying (and celebrating) Christmas, the author wishes only the best for you and yours and hopes you got what you wanted, weren't fooled about it's origin and enjoyed the time off with your significant others.
Signed: The Author